Source code for gmail_rules.actions.build_xmls

from distutils.command import build
from ..utils import helpers as _hp

__all__ = ["build_xml_text"]

[docs] def build_xml_text(text: str) -> str: """ Build a final string that can be pasted into a .xml file from the strings returned by the `build_rule()` methods in the `Rule` classes """ final_text = f"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n<feed xmlns='' xmlns:apps=''>\n\t<title>Mail Filters</title>\n\t<author>\n\t\t<name>{_hp.AUTHOR_NAME}</name>\n\t\t<email>{_hp.AUTHOR_EMAIL}</email>\n\t</author>\n{_hp.indent(text)}\n</feed>".expandtabs(_hp.TAB_SPACING) return final_text
# def build_mail_rule_file(filename: str) -> None: # xml_text = f"{build_xml_text(final_string)}" # current_directory = os.getcwd() # f = open(f"{current_directory}/New Rules/Rule XMLs/{filename}.xml", "w") # f.write(xml_text) # f.close()