Source code for gmail_rules.rules.copy_to

from ..utils import helpers as _hp
from ..rules.rule import Rule as _Rule

__all__ = ["Copy_To"]

[docs] class Copy_To(_Rule): """:obj:`Copy_To` rule object which is a sub-class of :obj:`Rule` """ def __init__(self, rule_label: str | list, list_of_emails: list = [], rule_defaults: dict = {}, rule_name: str = "") -> None: """Initialize a :obj:`Copy_To` rule object which is a subclass of :obj:`Rule` Parameters ---------- rule_label : `str` or `list` This is the label that should be applied to emails that meet this rule's criteria list_of_emails : `list`, optional This is a list of email addresses that the mail rule should be applied to rule_defaults : `dict`, optional This is a dictionary containing default rule attributes """ if rule_name == "": rule_name = "COPY TO: " if isinstance(rule_label, str): rule_name += f"{rule_label}" elif type(rule_label) in _hp.ITERABLE_DATA_TYPES: for label in rule_label: rule_name += f"{label} | " rule_name = rule_name[:-3] rule_defaults.update(shouldNeverSpam = "true") ## Add rule-type specific flags to the flags dictionary super().__init__(list_of_emails, rule_defaults, rule_name) self.add_labels(rule_label)
## Add the label attribute to the mail rule