
class Copy_To(rule_label: str | list, list_of_emails: list = [], rule_defaults: dict = {}, rule_name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: Rule

Copy_To rule object which is a sub-class of Rule


This is the final str that can be copied and pasted into an xml to define the rule


Converts dict of rule attributes into dict of attributes where keys are in xml format


Converts dict of rule attributes into ordered str for use in final xml


add_attribute(name, value[, is_custom_attribute])

Add an attribute to the mail rule


Add multiple attributes to a Rule


Alias for Rule.add_label().


Adds labels to the mail rule


After all of the details of a rule are defined, this function is run to actually build the desired mail rule.

concatenate(elements_input[, separator])

Given a list of elements elements, this returns the concatenation of the elements with a separator separator between them (" OR " by default)


Converts a list of lists into a single flat list

xml_format_rule_attribute(name, value)

Given an attribute name, its value, and an optional boolean determining whether this new attriute should be added to the list of attributes, this function properly builds and formats (and assigns) the defined attribute.

Initialize a Copy_To rule object which is a subclass of Rule

  • rule_label (str or list) – This is the label that should be applied to emails that meet this rule’s criteria

  • list_of_emails (list, optional) – This is a list of email addresses that the mail rule should be applied to

  • rule_defaults (dict, optional) – This is a dictionary containing default rule attributes


This is the final str that can be copied and pasted into an xml to define the rule


Converts dict of rule attributes into dict of attributes where keys are in xml format


Converts dict of rule attributes into ordered str for use in final xml


add_attribute(name, value[, is_custom_attribute])

Add an attribute to the mail rule


Add multiple attributes to a Rule


Alias for Rule.add_label().


Adds labels to the mail rule


After all of the details of a rule are defined, this function is run to actually build the desired mail rule.

concatenate(elements_input[, separator])

Given a list of elements elements, this returns the concatenation of the elements with a separator separator between them (" OR " by default)


Converts a list of lists into a single flat list

xml_format_rule_attribute(name, value)

Given an attribute name, its value, and an optional boolean determining whether this new attriute should be added to the list of attributes, this function properly builds and formats (and assigns) the defined attribute.



Add an attribute to the mail rule


Add multiple attributes to a Rule


Alias for Rule.add_label().


Adds labels to the mail rule


After all of the details of a rule are defined, this function is run to actually build the desired mail rule.


Given a list of elements elements, this returns the concatenation of the elements with a separator separator between them (" OR " by default)


Converts a list of lists into a single flat list


Given an attribute name, its value, and an optional boolean determining whether this new attriute should be added to the list of attributes, this function properly builds and formats (and assigns) the defined attribute.



This is the final str that can be copied and pasted into an xml to define the rule


Converts dict of rule attributes into dict of attributes where keys are in xml format


Converts dict of rule attributes into ordered str for use in final xml


This is a list containing all of the labels that should be applied to this rule


This str is the title of the rule


This is a dict of all of the rule attributes that should be applied


Flattened list of emails that will be included in the mail rule


A str of the concatenated email addresses that this rule applies to


This is a str representing the top section of a mail rule that remains constant


This is a str representing how each mail rule will end

add_attribute(name: str, value: str, is_custom_attribute: bool = False) None#

Add an attribute to the mail rule

  • name (str) – Name of the attribute to add

  • value (str) – Value of the attribute

  • is_custom_attribute (bool, optional) – Defines whether the attribute being added is custom (use with caution), by default False. Use this with caution, as the mail rule interpreter may not be able to parse a rule with a custom attribute

  • KeyError – Raises a KeyError when an attribute has already been defined for this rule

  • KeyError – Raises a KeyError if an attribute is not valid

add_attributes(attributes_to_add: dict) None#

Add multiple attributes to a Rule


attributes_to_add (dict) – Dictionary where key is the name of the attribute to add (str) and its value (str) is the value of the attribute to add corresponding to that key


TypeError – Raises a TypeError if attributes_to_add is not a dictionary

add_label(label: str) None#

Alias for Rule.add_label(). Adds labels to the mail rule


labels (list | tuple | set | frozenset | dict) – The label (or labels) to be added to the rule


TypeError – Raises a TypeError if the label is not a valid type

add_labels(labels: str | list | tuple | set | frozenset | dict) None#

Adds labels to the mail rule


labels (list | tuple | set | frozenset | dict) – The label (or labels) to be added to the rule


TypeError – Raises a TypeError if the label is not a valid type

build_rule() str#

After all of the details of a rule are defined, this function is run to actually build the desired mail rule. It takes an optional argument rule_name which is a str representing the name of the mail rule, but when the rule is parsed into Gmail, this gets ignored.

concatenate(elements_input: list, separator: str = ' OR ') str#

Given a list of elements elements, this returns the concatenation of the elements with a separator separator between them (” OR “ by default)

  • elements_input (list) – This is a list of items that should be concatenated together

  • separator (str, default = “ OR “, optional) – This is the string that will be used to separate individual elements, by default “ OR “


final_output – Returns a singular string containing all of the items in elements after being concatenated and separated with the separator

Return type:


concatenated_emails: str#

A str of the concatenated email addresses that this rule applies to

emails_list: list#

Flattened list of emails that will be included in the mail rule

property final_rule_str: str#

This is the final str that can be copied and pasted into an xml to define the rule


str representing the entire rule in xml format

Return type:


flatten_list(list_to_flatten: list) list#

Converts a list of lists into a single flat list

This function takes a list (of potentially nested lists) and recursively flattens the list so that it is just a single list of elements that are not of type list


list_to_flatten (list) – Input list (or list of lists) to be flattened


Returns a final flat list that does not contain any nested lists

Return type:


labels: list#

This is a list containing all of the labels that should be applied to this rule

name: str#

This str is the title of the rule

rule_attributes: dict[str, str]#

This is a dict of all of the rule attributes that should be applied

property rule_attributes_xmls: dict#

Converts dict of rule attributes into dict of attributes where keys are in xml format


rule_attribute_xmls – Dictionary where keys are the attribute and values are the xml representation of the attribute

Return type:


property rule_attributes_xmls_str: str#

Converts dict of rule attributes into ordered str for use in final xml


rule_attribute_xmls_strstr representing this Rule as an xml

Return type:


This is a str representing how each mail rule will end

rule_header: str#

This is a str representing the top section of a mail rule that remains constant

xml_format_rule_attribute(name: str, value: str) str#

Given an attribute name, its value, and an optional boolean determining whether this new attriute should be added to the list of attributes, this function properly builds and formats (and assigns) the defined attribute.

  • name (str) – This is the name of the attribute to define (defined by Google’s docs)

  • value (str) – This is the value of the desired attribute


rule_line – Returns the properly formatted attribute

Return type:
